Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Bull Pen (Tom and Carol) in Hillsboro

So, it was one of those weekends, I really didn't feel like doing a whole lot of anything. I had a couple text messages, couple phone calls and just decided to stay home. I answered a phone call from Todd and he said that he and Kate were thinking about going up to see a band at an old friends bar. I reluctantly agreed to go, mainly because I hadn't seen Tom and Carol in a couple years, and it really did sound good to get out of the house. So I ran through the shower and got ready to head out. I was just about out the door and I looked at my cell. Todd said that we were going to spend the night (good thing too, cuz this place was 2 hours away!) We piled in my truck and headed out of town. The place we were going was a little place outside of Hillsboro, which in itself is a little place. Nice little ride. We got there and WOW, this place was awesome! I wish I had my camera with me, I wanted some more pictures.
First off, the "cabin". Carol put us up in what they called a cabin. THIS PLACE WAS HUGE! It was more of the lower level of a house, running water and heat (obviously in this weather, not needed) Just really an awesome place for us to "crash" for the night.
Next, we walked down the driveway to the bar (barn?). Walked in and was really surprised. It really was a barn that they had cleaned up and finished the lower level. They built a beautiful bar inside that curved around so that you could sit and visit with 2 other people easily. I have been in just a few places that made conversation like this easy, but this was by far one of the best. We found a place to sit (the place was packed!) and got a drink or two. The band was OK, when Carol and Tom finish the stage are I think they will be better. The exposed rafter ceiling was not very good for the sound. They had a nice mix of music though. Kate, Todd and I stayed til bar time and made the long trek back to the cabin (maybe 100 yards). We stayed up visiting and finished our 'togo' drinks and then went to sleep.

When we were sitting at the bar, Carol was telling us about breakfast they serve. The one I had was a skillet with hash browns, over easy eggs, toast and sausage biscuit gravy. One of the better breakfasts I have had in a long time. Had a bloody mary with that, and then had a couple beers after that while deciding what to do for the rest of the day. Carol and Tom invited us to stay the night again, and we were invited to another friends house (just happened to be only half hour away). Ultimately it was decided that we would come home tonight, but stop at the other house on the way for dinner.
So we had a couple beers, watching the Indy500 and the Brewers. Started noticing a trend with the patrons. The bar would fill up, they would stay for a beer or three, leave, then another group would fill the bar up. I don't think there was an empty stool in the place for more than 10 minutes for most of the early afternoon. Seems it was a good spot for the people on their bike trips to stop and have a drink and a burger.
After seeing burger after burger come out of the kitchen, we decided maybe a bit of lunch would be good. I took a look at the menu, was pretty basic. I found out they don't have a deep fryer, which seemed odd but I understood why.
I ordered the Bully Burger which is (according to the menu) "Just a plain good old fashioned hamburger" and Kate had the Mushroom Swiss Bull-Burger "all Angus beef topped with mushroom and cheese". Let me tell you a bit about Tom and Carol. They bought this place near Hillsboro to raise beef cattle, so they know good beef when they see it. On the menu is this notice: WE TAKE PRIDE IN SERVING FRESH PRODUCTS THAT COME FROM WISCONSIN BASED FARMS OR COMPANIES. OUR BURGERS AND PRIME RIB MEATS ARE USDA INSPECTED BLACK ANGUS. WE ONLY SERVE WISCONSIN CHEESE AND DAIRY. Kinda nice knowing where your food comes from.
So, we got our burgers in a short time, which was pretty good noticing the amount of cooking they were doing. I looked at the burger, it was hand formed, fresh, lean meat. (it was almost breaking apart it was so lean). Nice soft warm bun (if you go, make sure to mention that to Carol, she likes to hear it). I took a bite. I took another. OH MY GOD, I think this was quite possibly the best burger I have had. It came with a side of potato chips, nice crispy cruncher type.

I would recommend to anybody looking for a nice drive or a good burger to stop at Carol and Toms Bull Pen! ~ if you go, tell 'em I said Hi!!

1 comment:

  1. A good out of the way place that has a natural attraction for it's food, a natural internal atmosphere of good people to meet, a natural exterior enviroment to savor, is a place that cannot remain a destination secret for long. SHAME ON YOU for letting the "cat out of the bag". Tom & Carol get ready... You've just been exposed as the genuine item!!
