Last week on a whim I went west/southwest on my search for the perfect burger. Today, I called my mom and without saying anything else after she answered, I said "North, South, East or West?" She suggested I drive to the east just to go the opposite of last week. I complained that no matter where I go east, I always end up in Juneau. So, I went east, again trying to stick to back roads and county highways wherever possible. I got to an intersection and looked left "9mi to Juneau" *sigh. I went straight, kept going til I saw off in the distance a church spire. I didn't have any clue where I was but kept driving in that general direction. Soon I came up on a sign that said Holy Hill. I had been near here a while ago for a wedding (not at the basilica itself, but nearby). I cruised around it a little bit, took a few pictures and continued on my quest. I turned south and then took a couple side roads and found myself looking at "RUSTIC INN". Honestly, I drove past it, got about 2 miles down the road and turned around and went back.
When I pulled into the parking lot, I saw that they had part of the building painted Packer Green & Gold. There was even a dog house those colors. Huge parking lot, several cars parked there. In the front, there was "motorcycle parking" that had probably 4-6 bikes parked there. I walked into the building and the first thing I saw was a "Star Wars" pinball machine. Now I realize this is no "PinBot" but having pinball at all is a plus in my book. (I didn't have any quarters so I didn't play). The hostess met me at the door and we exchanged pleasantries. (I like to throw people when they ask how I am, so I say stuff like "peachy ducky!" ~ she caught it right away and laughed)
I was seated at my table and I looked around and noticed there was two large screen tv's dining room. A LOT of tables! Looked to me like the place did a really good business for Friday Night Fish Fry. I looked at the menu and saw it. "FAMOUS HAMBURGER" Before the waitress walked away with my drink order I told her I was ready and ordered one of these...plain.. medium... and a side of fries. (Diet Pepsi for those keeping track). She looked at me with kind of a crooked eye when I said side of fries, but I didn't think anything of it.
I looked around at the few other tables that were occupied (it was 2:30 in the afternoon, so not really busy). The closest had what looked to be home made pizza. Looked GOOOOOD.
I watched the waitress walk across the room with burger. I could see the burger from the other room. I guess what I am saying, this burger is HUGE! Images of John Candy with the Ole 96'er flashed through my head. This burger, I kid you not, looked like it was soo heavy that it broke in the middle when being flipped. I understand now why the waitress looked at me funny when I said side of fries. The fries themselves were a meal too!
I took a french fry and took a bit. Hmm... seasoned! My guess was Lawry's but it was subtle, it was GOOD! This raised my hopes a bit for the burger. I took my first bite. (It barely fit in my mouth) Took my second bite. Hey! this burger was pretty good! There wasn't a LOT of seasoning on it, but for its size, it was juicy and cooked just as I asked. It did have some flavor, it wasn't just a hunk of beef on a bun (which, was a good bun too ~ not your typical restaurant burger bun) I would stop in here and get another burger if I was in the area. Rustic Inn, ya done good.
In the spirit of John Candy, I ate the whole burger. I really shouldn't have, it was HUGE. It is really a good size for 2 people to share it. (I didn't eat all the fries though)
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